
The night I disappeared

Yesterday was interesting. I got a phone call from my boyfriend around 6:15pm so I went outside for a bit to talk. I enjoy being outside and getting a little excercise while talking. My parents had dinner plans so they left right about that time for dinner. Which I hadn't told them I was outside but I figured they figured it out. I came back in, did some studying and went for a run about 8pm. I stopped running about 30 minutes later. And got another call from my boyfriend, we hadn't had a longer talk in a few days so I decided to get some excercise and walk while we talked. I had my headphones on from the run, which connect to my Bluetooth on my phone. My phone was inside my running arm band and it wouldn't make sounds if I recieved calls or texts. Turns out it was about 10pm and my parents had been home a while and hadn't seen a sign of me since 6pm when they left for dinner. The door was unlocked, my car was in the driveway and they freaked! They totally thought I went missing! They began to pray, I recieved calls from my grandmother who was worried sick! It was pretty hilarious but I can imagine their terror. Guess it's just more to be grateful for: a loving, caring family and for safety.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone Lars

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