
How to wear a maxi dress

We all know that the Maxi dress has been in fashion for a few years now. They are popular for a number of reasons: comfort, ease, statement, versatility. These are all good reasons to wear one. What I want to focus on here, is WHEN not to wear one and HOW not to wear one!

Maxi dresses (also knowns as Patio dresses) are good for:

anything outdoors
the beach
Summer weddings

Maxi dresses are NOT to be worn:

to the movie theatre
on a first date
to class
even to the mall
Church (MAYBE if its a solid)

Disclaimer: this is just my opinion, I haven't personally asked any designers about their intent when creating this product, I'm giving personal examples of when it looks strange to me to see a person wearing one.

HOW to wear a maxi dress:

There are countless styles of dresses! Some look better than others depending on your body type. I will include a photo and snippet of why one should or shouldn't wear this particular style depending on your body type.

This is great for a thin person. Due to the fuller cut skirt, wider cut waist, it will not be very flattering if you are fuller on your lower half. I love these colors though! I personally am very picky on spaghetti straps. So, I wouldn't wear this cut due to the straps and neckline cut, but you have fuller chest, you can pull this off as well.

This cut looks good on a thinner petite person. The cinched waistline breaks up the eye and helps those of us that are shorter. Because the fabric isn't as giving thats why you'd want to stay away from this silhouette if you have a fuller figure. 

If you are a taller build, this will work! The wider sleeves work well for the tall girls and smaller up top to add some extra curves. 

This is a great dress to hide that unwanted belly! The added fabric in the front will be forgiving while still making the hips seem smaller on the sides. The v-neck is great for a fuller chest and the wide straps add visual support as well. The pattern isn't overly large or smaller either. 

These are just some ideas to get you ready for a hot, stylish, and dressy Summer!! 

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