
Fashion Dilemma

I'm going to do something I don't do too often, and I'm going to speak to myself.

Client: Help! I am about to finish Graduate School with my Masters in Counseling and I need to de-fashionista myself a little bit for my work wardrobe! I need to dress much more conservatively to be a counselor and I don't know where to begin.

Fashion Consultant: Well, the first thing you need to do is to buy a few staple pieces. Dark colored slacks, skirts, at least one good blazer and a few good cardigans. You don't want your clothes to draw too much attention. You don't want the client to be focused on your yellow patent shoes over your empathic responses. Get a few more toned down accessories, less flashy shoes and jewelry. Think of it as a fun new project. But whatever you do, you don't want to dress TOO sexy. So stay away from extremely form fitting clothes. And if you work with kids, make sure to wear washable items.

Yep, this is the dilemma I currently find myself in. For the first time in years it takes me longer than five minutes to pick out my outfit. I even went shopping and had to put back a few items when I remembered that it wouldn't be work appropriate. Since I have worked at Montessori schools for the past few years, I have had the freedom to wear whatever I wanted to work. I guess its time I join most of the world and have a work wardrobe and a play wardrobe.

Here's one outfit I came up with for last quarter. This quarter, I will be working with children, doing play therapy and games on the floor, so no more tight skirts. 

I will post more as I add to my work wardrobe. Feel free to give me other tips!

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