
these two people

My parents.

Seriously some the best people in all of God's creation. I couldn't have asked for more loving and supportive people to raise me and stand by me. They have supported me through all my life endeavors, good and bad, some they agreed with and some they didn't. My mom and dad have truly taught me how to love! How to live! How to give and forgive. I hope I can be a parent like them someday. I hope that God blesses me with a life that I'm able to give back to my posterity because of who they have been to me! These two brave people, without them, I would not be in this free land! Without their courage and faith and wisdom, I would not be who I am today. They are above and beyond type parents and the type of love they have for me, for all of me, is out of this world.

They are leaving to visit Romania for two weeks and I will miss them greatly! Va iubesc


the lost shoe

I love to shop at Buffalo Exchange and last year I found these beauties pictured below. I loved them! I love the vintage look and the thicker and lower heel than platforms. And of course I loved the red!! 

Well, I lost them. 
In Houston.
In December. 

I'm still tragically mourning the loss. Nearly daily. So I decided to heartbrokenly try to replace them. Here are some options I came up with and I will list why. Feel free to cast your vote. 

I obviously love these for two reasons: Marc by Marc Jacobs and the kisses! I feel like these are pretty timeless. No real replacement for the red or the vintage but still masterpieces. 
Then there are these Top Shop unique asymmetrical heels! I like the edgy sharp lines and attitude. The only thing I would be worried about is the ankle strap and how it might feel or reduce the appearance of the length of my leg. 
I ran across these Bass Lady Oxfords from Nordstrom a while back. These are great because of the black and white, can't beat that! And I appreciate the vintage quality. 

So, there you have it. All these glorious options to replace my broken heart. 



I recently had my Spring Break from work and I was able to spend a day doing fun stuff for others. As you know, it was Jenn's golden birthday. I've been wanting to make a French bulletin board for a while now, so I decided that Jenn's birthday was good motivation to start! Here it is. I made it gold of course, and tried to choose colors that would match their living room decor. I thought it would come in handy by their computer desk, since she does photography and there are photos and invitations all around. She ended up really liking it.
Also, my friend, Corwin is a very talented actor and I had the opportunity to see him perform in a Mystery Dinner Theatre. I was excited to support this event because I knew he had put a lot of work into it. I wanted to give him some sort of congratulations gift. Usually, flowers are popular, but I decided to go with something a bit more manly and make him a candy bouquet! It was really fun doing it, and not very hard. He loves candy, so I got him some from World Market, all over the world! It also was a hit! And the show was  BLAST!!

Well, I guess the global candy isn't pictured so well here. And I added the bow and a star afterwards. But you get the idea. 


sneakin' around!

Since I currently work in a school with cute, fun kids all day, I get to see their adorable clothes and you know it gets my wheels a turnin'! In case you haven't heard of Twinkle Toes by Sketchers, they are all over the place in kids' Fashion!

I love to dress up fun for the kids and on holidays and such so I couldn't resist buying a pair of adult Twinkle Toes!!

I wanted to take a picture with myself and a couple of the girls wearing Twinkle Toes, but I didn't have the heart to exclude the girls not wearing Sketchers....

Oh and since we are on the topic of sneakers, I had to include a current designer sneaker that I've got my lustful eye on. Check out these Lanvins. 

Bristle Brush

Looks like this is the brush I need, if I'm going to quit washing my hair. If I do this, it will be this Summer. Details to follow, after I muster up more courage.